Welcome to the Massachusetts Lions District 33Y website!
District 33Y Lions is one of five “sub districts” of Massachusetts Lions Multiple District 33. Combined with the four other sub districts A, N, K, and S, we are appropriately called YANKS, a proud tradition of history in New England. Our district is comprised of 37 clubs throughout the four Western Massachusetts counties of Berkshire, Hampshire, Hampden, Franklin and three Leo clubs: Hoosac Valley, Amherst Pelham Regional, and South Haldey.
District 33Y supports the Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund (MLERF) which primary function is to fund research for prevention and cure of eye related diseases. We also contribute to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), the humanitarian arm of Lions Clubs International, and provide hearing aids and eye glasses through our District 33Y Emergency Sight and Hearing Foundation. Our Lions EyeMobile started vision and health screenings in 2007. Total served to date: more than 12,000 persons.
We also support the newly founded Diabetes Awareness Foundation to provide education on diabetes, camp scholarships for children, and medical equipment. Our youth programs continue to grow with new enthusiastic participants.
Lions Youth Exchange, Peace Poster Contest, and Youth Speech Contest have all seen increases in participation. The District 33Y EyeMobile travels to all of our communities to provide eye screening and hearing services.Enjoy learning about our district through the links on the website and feel free to contact us.
Volunteer and Make a Difference
Fabrício Oliveira
Thom Swift